xMatters On-Demand Support Notes - Rogue

The information in this article is the intellectual property of xMatters and is intended only for use with xMatters products by xMatters customers and their employees. Further, this intellectual property is proprietary and must not be reused or resold.


This is a cumulative change log for numbered versions and patch releases of xMatters On-Demand, identifying the updates and resolved issues included in each one. 

For more information, or details about a specific bug fix, contact xMatters Client Assistance and quote the reference number associated with the entry.

A note about features...

Between our quarterly releases, only customers participating in the Early Access Program (EAP) will be able to see feature enhancements and additions, and only in their non-production environments. 

The exceptions to this general approach are updates to the mobile apps, xMatters API enhancements, and features on the Admin and Developer tab which will be released into production between quarterly releases.

Customers participating in the EAP, or interested in the mobile app and API updates, can review feature descriptions in the Rogue Development Highlights article.


Production release: November 29, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
XFO-7569 Permissions: Updated the descriptions (hover text) for multiple permissions to be clearer and more descriptive.
Inbox (performance enhancement): Reduced the amount of time required for the Inbox to retrieve and display alerts.
SCO-8732 Recipients selection (cosmetic fix): Improved the styling of the Recipients selection box to properly align components.
RYL-329 Reports - Delivered notifications (cosmetic fix): Fixed a styling issue on the Delivered Notifications report that could cause two components to overlap.
KAM-2677 Communication Center - Saved Searches: Clicking the name of a saved search in the Show All list will now filter the events according to that search's criteria.
KAM-2641 Email Devices - Domain restrictions: Clarified the validation logic used and the error messages displayed  when attempting to add an invalid or empty email device with domain restrictions enabled.
AUTO-19 User Upload (performance enhancement): Significantly reduced the amount of time required to upload a large number of users.
ARCH-5192 Notification content: Fixed a rare issue where an incorrectly configured provider would generate incorrect content for the targeted device type. 
Voice and SMS Devices (usability fix): Updated the interface when adding voice and SMS devices to not force the cursor to the end of the line after every change.


Production release: November 22, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Mobile apps - message preview: Improved the message preview function in the mobile apps to display the correct formatting and styling of content (such as bolding, italics, and lists) as set in the form designer.
Groups - exporting: Fixed an issue where exported groups would not include country codes for some phone and SMS numbers.
Scenarios - list properties: Fixed an issue where it was possible for some single-select list properties to have multiple default values. This was causing some problems when attempting to create or use new scenarios that included those properties.
Groups: Fixed an issue where users set to a specific time zone could not view or edit groups in the web user interface.
Voice notifications: Updated libraries to handle recent changes to phone number types that were preventing some numbers from being recognized as valid.


Production release: November 15, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
XFO-7645 Integration Builder - Authentication dialog box (usability fix): Modified the styling of the fields that display the automatically generated Username and Password for inbound integrations so users can copy the contents of the fields to the clipboard.
UTA-1236 Groups - Schedule: Fixed an uncommon issue where excluding some months from a monthly recurring shift would incorrectly calculate on which months the shift should occur.
UTA-1180 Groups - Shifts: Updated the shift recurrence logic to prevent users from setting a recurrence end date before the start date. 
Performance enhancement: Fixed an issue where users were experiencing slower load times than a user with different permissions when accessing the same reports or data.
Groups - Overview/Calendar: Fixed an issue where a very specific and unusual combination of shift settings and temporary replacements submitted via an API call would cause the Groups Overview and Calendar tabs to display an Unexpected Exception error.
Messaging (cosmetic fix): Changed the icons in the Recipients drop-down list to be proportional to the text size.
RYL-420 SOAP web services - AddCustomHoliday: Updated the error message returned by a faulty AddCustomHoliday SOAP request to be more helpful and informative.
RYL-419 REST API: Tracked down and fixed a very rare issue where submitting a request to the /events resource would return a NullPointerException. 
Performance enhancement: Fixed an issue where the Manage Communication Plans page would take a long time (15+ seconds) to load if the user did not have permission for some of the plans.
APO-11805 Schedule message: Fixed an issue with the Schedule Message dialog box where specifying a very large number of repetitions would occasionally result in a truncated number when attempting to set a repeating schedule.
Text-To-Speech: Fixed an issue where the TTS engine would occasionally read phone numbers that were part of a list or text property as a single large number instead of individual digits.
ACTO-248 Voicemail retry: Fixed an uncommon issue where the system would not attempt any configured retries if the underlying protocol provider did not have a configured proxy server.


Production release: November 4, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
XFO-7574 Reports (cosmetic fix): Modified the styling of the suggested matches drop-down list when searching on the Reports tab; the suggestions will no longer partially obscure the text input field.
XFO-7573 User profile: Fixed an issue where clicking the "Sign out of mobile apps" button on the user profile would return a system error if the user was not signed into any apps.
UTA-896 Groups - holiday shifts:Fixed an issue where attempting to create a holiday shift would return a validation error if the user's time zone was different than the time zone of the group's site.
KAM-2529 Communication plan properties: Added validation to property names to prevent users from adding properties that begin with a prefix of "lang_"; this prefix is reserved by some underlying systems and was being stripped from property names in both the xMatters REST API and the Events report.
Communication plan properties: Clarified the description of the password property to indicate that the property value is only encrypted when stored. The documentation for this property has also been updated.
Groups - shift-based rotations: Fixed an issue where the wrong user would be notified if a shift rotation occurred while an event was active for their group. 
Mobile apps: Fixed an issue where some users would be logged out of their mobile apps without initiating a log out. 
Subscriptions: Fixed an issue where a subscription form would not be accessible unless the form on which it is based was specifically enabled for the web user interface; any enabled form will now allow users to access subscription forms based on it.


Production release: October 28, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
SOAP web services: Fixed an issue where some text phone numbers could not be added via SOAP if the number started with a "0".
RYL-329 Reports (cosmetic fix): Fixed a minor spacing issue on one button in the Delivered Notifications drill-down report; the label and the icon were too close together and occasionally overlapped. 
Web user interface (usability fix): Removed a "No Network Connection" error message that was being repeatedly displayed for background activity on some pages in the web user interface, instead of only being displayed for user-initiated web requests. 
HOTH-5649 Communication plan builder: Fixed an issue that would not allow the first user listed in the Permissions dialog box to be removed from the list when there were three or more users in the list.


Production release: October 21, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Messages (Android): Fixed an issue where linked images would not render correctly in Android notifications if their filenames included a space.
Groups - Shifts tab: Fixed an issue where the "Next Rotation Time" selector was not using the user's specified time zone when setting a schedule-based rotation, and the indicated date of the next rotation on the Shifts page was not synchronizing with the selected time zone. 
User schedules: Removed the confusing "On-Call" label from the web user interface and mobile displays of user schedules, and ensured that shifts are only labelled with "On-Call" when they are currently active.
Communication plans - Sender Overrides: Revised the Sender Overrides section on communication plans to allow saving specific fields without specifying values.
SCO-8612 Web user interface (usability fix): Updated the "unsupported browser" warning to be more visible on smaller screens.
Groups (cosmetic fix): Fixed an alignment issue for some controls on the Shifts tab.
Text-To-Speech: Fixed an issue where the TTS engine would occasionally read phone numbers as a large number instead of individual digits.
Subscriptions: Fixed an issue where users could not tell if they were subscribed to a subscription via a group.
HOTH-5566 Conference bridges: Added functionality to display user details (such as devices, site, time zone, etc.) in a popup when moused over on a conference bridge screen in the web user interface.
Subscriptions: Fixed an issue where users could share a subscription with users that they did not have permission to view.
Permissions: Fixed an issue where some permissions were not available to select when creating custom functions.
Integration Agent: Resolved an issue where some Integration Agents in a multiple-Company deployment would not properly update a management system if the associated event domain did not have a unique name across all companies.


Production release: October 14, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
User schedule: Fixed an issue where a user's schedule would occasionally not display a repeating shift that overlapped an existing shift.
Conference bridges: Fixed an issue where conference bridges could not be initiated if the outgoing caller ID was set to be empty or blank.
Web user interface: Fixed an issue preventing a Company Supervisor (with the correct permissions) from deleting an externally-owned resource via the web user interface.


Production release: October 5, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Reports: Exported events reports, including Event Properties, Event Log, and Performance reports, will now display the correct names for both long and short forms of Australian time zones.
XFO-7509  Integration Builder: Fixed an issue with scrolling and saving when displaying a large number of results in the Endpoints dialog box or Activity Stream.
Group schedules: Fixed an issue where a user's schedule displayed in the xMatters mobile app would not match the same schedule in the web user interface.
VOR-2185 User profile: Added an error message indicating when device settings could not be saved due to a dropped connection.
Groups: If a user has a device that belongs to a group, the user will now be counted as a member of that group.
Groups schedules: Fixed an issue where a user would be shown as "on-call" for a particular group when their shift was not actually active on that day. 
Groups: Fixed an issue where some legacy groups would return an exception when attempting to view schedule information.
Performance reports: Fixed an issue where the User Performance report would time out on very large requests and return an unexpected exception error.
Conference bridges: Fixed an issue where users in some countries were unable to join hosted conference bridges in another country.
KAM-2315 User profile: Fixed an issue where cancelling navigation with unsaved changes would sometimes display two confirmation dialog boxes.
SSO: Fixed an issue with SAML assertions being usable outside of the defined constraints.
ACTO-139 Web user interface: Fixed an issue with the display of the Schedule tab in the User Profile on Internet Explorer version 9.


Production release: September 28, 2016 
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Integration Builder: Fixed an issue with scrolling and saving when displaying or adding to a large number of constants in the transformation script editor.
Groups schedules: Fixed an issue where creating a repeating shift in a time zone without Daylight Savings Time would not be correctly repeated in time zones with DST.
Login screen: Resolved a problem where customizing the login screen with accented characters would prevent the page from being displayed.
SCO-8510 Groups schedules: Updated the user interface to properly reflect the displayed next rotation date when switching between schedule-based and shift-based rotations.
RYL-302 Subscriptions: Fixed a minor alignment issue for some controls and labels in the web user interface.
Custom fields: Updated the presentation of elements in a custom field list on a user's Profile tab to match the order displayed on the Admin tab.
Events report: Resolved a system error message that would occasionally appear when attempting to perform a search that included archived events.
System logs: When a device is marked as invalid by the system due to an undeliverable notification, the system logs will no longer show the device creator as being responsible for invalidating the device.
ACTO-137 Callbacks: Fixed an issue where status callbacks for some timed out events were sent as ACTIVE.


Production release: September 21, 2016
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Email notifications: Bulleted lists will now be displayed properly when email notifications are viewed in Microsoft Outlook clients on Windows.
SCO-8530 Groups schedules: Fixed an issue where the "Next Rotation" date would not be displayed correctly when adjusting shift rotations.
Events reports: Removed unnecessary scroll bars that were being displayed when searching for events on some environments.
User profile: Fixed a bug that prevented users from setting a time zone that was different than their site.
RYL-222 Groups schedules: Added an error message to warn users attempting to set an invalid holiday shift.
SMS Message editor: Fixed an issue where copying text from some other applications, such as Microsoft Word, into the message editor would result in incorrect characters being sent in SMS notifications.
Voice recordings: Fixed a bug where the voice action "Prompt to Press Any Key" played only silence.
xMatters REST API: Resolved a permissions issue preventing users from accessing scenarios on their mobile devices.
Integration Agent: Fixed an issue where hosted Integration Agents were not allowing some connections.
(SUP-14064, SUP-14051)
Single Sign On: Added several feature enhancements and improvements for using OAuth with SAML SSO.
ACTO-128 Performance reports: User and group performance reports will now properly calculate and include statistics for events that time out.


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  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.138 release, scheduled for Friday, October 28..

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.139 release, scheduled for Friday, November 4.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.140 release, scheduled for Tuesday, November 15th. (A little extra advance notice on this deployment as some Canadian customers have a long weekend coming up.)

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.141 release, scheduled for Tuesday, November 22.

  • Happy Thanksgiving! Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.142 release, scheduled for Tuesday, November 29.
