We're going to be making some necessary changes to the way hostnames and URLs work in xMatters. This will not only simplify the way you log in, but it will also allow us to make some important improvements to our infrastructure.
What's changing?
Right now when you want to log in to your On-Demand account, you have to navigate to a URL that probably looks something like this:
... where "example" is your company's name, and "hosted" is some arcane scramble of letters like "na1" or "eu1", or even literally just "hosted".
We're planning to simplify that URL and to remove the "hosted" portion of it, so that when you go to log in to xMatters you'll only need to type:
When is this happening?
We've already started making the new hostnames available, and most customers should now be able to access the shorter version.
Also, you'll still be able to access xMatters via the old URL after your implementation date: we're planning to support both URLs simultaneously for a long time - possibly indefinitely. (We may deprecate the old URLs at some point in the future, but we'll be sure to give you plenty of warning.)
Why is xMatters doing this?
We've been working on this change for a while because our customers wanted simpler, easier hostnames to use - especially when logging in from the xMatters mobile apps.
In addition to improved usability, this change allows us to make important improvements to our infrastructure, including enhancements to performance, security, reliability, and data retention.
How will this affect me?
Well, for starters you won't have to type such a long URL, and it should be much easier to remember!
In terms of other functionality and access, you'll need to update any of your existing integrations or other applications that target xMatters to use the new URL.
And, don't worry: we'll be sure to post regular reminders about this change over the next few months. You should start trying out your new, shorter name soon, though - we're pretty sure you're going to really like it.
What should I do?
For most of our customers, there's nothing you need to worry about right away - though we do encourage you to start using your new and improved hostname.
At first, you won't notice any difference at all in terms of functionality or access. You can continue to access xMatters at both URLs, and your integrations and other applications will continue to work without interruption. You can make the transition easier by incorporating the new hostname into your everyday workflow such as building integrations, mobile app and web user interface sign-ons, and data sync. You'll also want to make sure you add the new hostname to any domain filters, email filters, or phishing-prevention software you are using right away to make sure notifications can still get through to your users.
Then, beginning on April 2, 2018, we'll start switching over the new hostnames to be the default, base URLs for xMatters instances. This means that when you create or update an integration, respond to a notification, or sign in using the mobile app, xMatters will automatically use the new hostname for all communication. Again, the old URL will continue to work, but any changes or updates should use the new one.
At this point, if you haven't already, you should start working with Consulting, or xMatters Customer Support to get your environment fully transitioned to the new hostname. To help you along, here's a list of the components that might need updating:
- Domain filtering (allowlists)
- Inbound email and spam filtering
- SAML and other single sign-on utilities
- Communication plan integrations (including Integration Builder)
- Integration Agents and other premise-based integrations
- EPIC data sync and other data load integrations
- Cloud-to-cloud direct API integrations (for example, ServiceNow)
- Custom integrations
- Mobile app logins
- User interface access
- Internal client documentation
Naturally, not every customer will be using all of these components, but you can see what sorts of things will need to be updated during the lengthy period in which both hostnames are working. And of course, new clients will be using the shorter hostname from the get-go, so they should have no concerns at all.
Finally, at some point in the very distant future, when we're sure that the old URLs are not in use by anyone anymore, we'll turn them off for good. And even then, we'll be sure to let you know at least six months in advance.
What if I have more than one hostname?
For a few of our customers, this change might cause a conflict if they have similar hostnames for different locations, such as "example.hosted.xmatters.com" and "example.na1.xmatters.com".
We have already identified the clients that will be impacted by this change, and we'll be working closely with them to select a new hostname, and to devise a project plan specific to their individual inventory of affected components.
Can I get some help with this?
Of course!
- For any kind of technical assistance with our supported integrations or changes to your deployment, contact xMatters Support using the Submit a Request link at the top of this page.
- For more information about why this change is being made and how it affects our service, contact Customer Support.
The xMatters On-Demand team
3 commentsPlease sign in to leave a comment.
Just checking there have been no updates to the old hostname switch off date and that it is still indefinite at this stage?
Hi Louise - I haven't heard of any updates, so I'd go with "indefinite" still. If anything DOES change, I'll make sure this article gets updated as soon as I get the word.
Ok great thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'll watch for any updates on here