Want to share your requests with other people from your company? Check out how easy it is to include your colleagues support requests.
When you create a new request, simply include the emails that you want to be Cc'd on the request.
- Via phone - If you called in the request to xMatters Customer Support, just tell the agent whom you would like to include on the ticket
- Via portal - If you are submitting requests via the portal, simply include the email addresses you want cc'd on the ticket in the description field. We will add your colleagues to the ticket immediately.
To view tickets that you are Cc'd, visit your My activities section where we've added a new CC'd tickets tab where you can view and update any support requests on which you are Cc'd.
This is a great enhancement for xMatters customers and partners, providing the ability to share requests across company teams. Team members can all view and update the request simply and easily via the portal.
3 commentsPlease sign in to leave a comment.
It does not say how to add someone, after creation. Is CC supported only at creation ?
I'm sure if you asked in a comment via the portal they would do it, just like if you included that information at creation.
Additionally, when I have the automated email for my request I reply with the person I wanted CCed in the CC field of the email and i've found that they are added.
Great hint. Thanks.