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Thank you to all of our customers who came and shared a few days with us at our user conference in Las Vegas. Those lucky folks attended a number of great workshops and presentations by our customers and employees. One of those was a joint presentation with our friends, New Relic, who helped us announce the launch of our new Integration Platform.
In the presentation, Iain Rose (Product Manager at xMatters), and Abhishek Goswami (New Relic), demonstrated a mashup of xMatters, New Relic, Zendesk, and Slack. In the demo, an alert from New Relic triggered an xMatters notification, allowing an on-call resource to quickly triage the problem by either creating a ticket in Zendesk, opening a Slack chat, or starting an ad-hoc xMatters conference bridge.
This integration was built using a new integration tool in the Communication Plan Builder. We aren't much for snappy names, so we are simply calling it the "Integration Builder". It's nestled right next to our drag-and-drop design tools for building forms and messages, so you have a one-stop shop for building your communication process.
The Integration Builder allows you to build logic to act as a translator between xMatters and your systems, so you can integrate almost any modern web services (or other HTTP-based protocol) with xMatters.
In addition to designing your integration, once you deploy it you can also monitor communications into and out of xMatters, eliminating the need to use tools like RequestBin to inspect webhooks.
We're very excited to see all of the cool integrations our customers dream up when we roll the Integration Platform out later this year. Stay tuned for more updates as we announce final details and timing.
4 commentsPlease sign in to leave a comment.
Is there something special to enable this?
we are on 5.5.89(r4471) for our non prod environment and cant see the above ?
Hi Alistair,
The Integration Builder will launch later this year. If you're interested in early access to a beta version in your non-prod environment we should have something available in 3-4 weeks time.
Let me know if you're interested.
Hi iain, apologies I thought I had replied....
I am absolutely interested as this would be perfect for an integration I'm currently developing for one of our cloud based monitoring agents. Please let me know when it's available.
Hi Alistair,
Details on the beta are available here.
I can't see how to get your contact details from this support site so please email directly at and I'll get you set up.