The recent release of xMatters for iOS, has delivered a series of changes related to an overall theme of making it easier, simpler, and faster to send the right message.
Starred Forms & Scenarios
Incident managers have told us that they frequently send messages from the same few subsets of their available list of communication plans.
If you find yourself frequently needing to invite incident resolvers to a conference bridge, or sending regular incident updates to stakeholders, you can now star a form or scenario for quick access when sending a message.
To add a form or scenario to the starred list, select it from the Send Message menu as normal and then tap the star icon. Next time you got to the Send Message menu, you'll see your starred items listed above everything else.
Starred Contacts
If you find yourself repeatedly messaging the same people or groups, you can now add them to your starred contacts. The action of starring a contact is the same as with forms and scenarios. When selecting recipients for messages, the starred contacts will be listed first for easy access.
Enhanced Tracking Report
The Tracking report has always been able to provide additional insight into whether messages are being sent and to the expected volumes of recipients.
Now, the Tracking report goes one step further and allows you to see more details: who was targeted for notifications; who has notifications pending; or, who has successfully received the notifications (included how and when).
You can also see which recipients have responded vs. not responded, and filter further to only view recipients that have responded in a certain way.
All of these enhancements and usability improvements are included in the latest xMatters for iOS app, available now in the App Store.
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