How to change default recordings in xMatters On-Demand

This article describes the process for changing default recordings to new custom recordings in xMatters On-Demand instances. Out of the box, the recordings used by xMatters are saved and referenced from the global event domain. You can add custom versions of recordings to the common event domain, which will override the existing default out-of-box recordings.

These instructions require that you have created and saved a new recording with the same name as the recording that it will replace. We'll use the 'companyname' recording as an example. For a list of other commonly replaced recordings, see the table below.

For more information about creating recordings in xMatters, see Add a recording.

Note: You must have developer privileges to manage recordings in xMatters On-Demand.

To upload a new recording:

  1. From the Workflows menu, click Add Phone Recording from the Phone Recordings menu.
  2. In the Recording Phrase field, type the name of the recording ('companyname').
  3. In the Event Domain field, leave the default setting as "All".
  4. In the Description field, type an optional description of the recording.
  5. Click Save.
  • xMatters will confirm that the phone recording has been saved.
  • Under Recording Details, click Add New.
    • xMatters will open the Add Phone Recordings dialog window.
  • In the Language field, select the language of your recording.
  • Click Choose File and select the 'companyname' file from your computer.
  • Click Save.
  • To add additional versions of the recording in other languages, repeat steps 6-9.
  • Click Save.
  • Verify the upload

    1. On the Developer tab, click Manage Recordings from the Phone Recordings menu.
    2. Search by FileName for the 'companyname' recording.
    • There are now two 'companyname' recordings. The first is the default ("xMatters") companyname recording on the global event domain, and the second is our new custom recording saved on the common event domain:

    1. Click the ID number link for the companyname recording on the common domain.
    2. Click Play (the green button) to play the recording in QuickTime. (If you don't have QuickTime, you can install it by clicking Download QuickTime.)

    The companyname recording on the common event domain will override the version on the global event domain. This means our custom company name will now be played instead of the default "xMatters" recording. You can use these instructions to replace any of the default recordings in your xMatters deployment. The following table lists the most commonly requested default recordings to be replaced with custom recordings:

    Commonly replaced recordings in xMatters On-Demand

    Recording Name Default Content Example
    Hello Hello Hello. This is xMatters calling for...
    thisis This is Hello. This is xMatters calling for...
    CompanyName xMatters Hello. This is {CompanyName} calling for...
    callingfor Calling for Hello. This is xMatters calling for...
    PressAnyDigitToHearYourMessage Press any digit to hear your message  
    youAreReceivingAnAutomatedConferenceBridgeRequest You are receiving an automated conference bridge request  
    toJoinTheConferenceBridgePress1 To join the conference bridge, press 1  
    1 to ACK, 9 to RPT Press 1 to acknowledge the message, press 9 to repeat the message  


    xMatters Reference: DOC-5877


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    • Can you provide clear, modern instructions for how to create a recording compatible with your service? 

    • Daniel, they are VOX files, which is a telephony industry standard, so they are not easily created outside of xMatters without special tools. They are not like a typical WAV of MP3 file. That is why we provide a way to create them within our administrative web user interface by recording over a phone or a microphone attached to your computer. The link above "Add a recording" goes into this detail. As well, each file needs to be referenced in the xMatters database, which using the web UI will do for you. Here is the direct link:

      Let us know if that helps.


    • Desi - I don't see any way to add a recording in the UI. The instructions you linked do not show a way to record in the web UI.

    • You can create recordings on the message send form. Help content here (see the section titled "Add a new recording using the computer's microphone")


      And a screenshot I just grabbed from my instance:


    • How do I use that recording to replace the Default option like "CompanyName"

    • I don't know the official answer, but I just successfully replaced the companyname recording by going into the Communication Plan Builder's Voice Interaction editor.

      I did that by navigating to a comm plan and opening the Edit->Messages menu for the form (I picked any one of my forms, it didn't matter which one):

      Once in the Message design view, I picked Edit for the Voice Interaction:

      I then updated then temporarily added a Speak Phrase to my Voice Interaction, named it "companyname" and then used the voice recording ability to create the recording. Once I was done, I deleted the Speak Phrase action.

      I then initiated a phone call, and I heard my new recording replacing the "xMatters" companyname.

      There might be a more straightforward way, but that got it going for me.

    • Doug is correct, that is a way to do it. But the link I gave you was for the system voice recordings, which I'm assuming you may not have access to on your system. It's under the DEVELOPER tab, and you will see the menus on the left to change or add recordings. Below is a screen shot on my system, I searched for the word "company" and found the one that you are looking to change. You should be able to do this on your system if you have permission, if not, you will need to gain access from your xMatters administrator.

