xMatters On-Demand Support Notes - Enduro

The information in this article is the intellectual property of xMatters and is intended only for use with xMatters products by xMatters customers and their employees. Further, this intellectual property is proprietary and must not be reused or resold.


This is a cumulative change log for numbered versions and patch releases of xMatters On-Demand, identifying the updates and resolved issues included in each one.

For more information, or details about a specific bug fix, contact xMatters Customer Support and quote the reference number associated with the entry.

A note about features...

Between our quarterly releases, only customers participating in the Early Access Program (EAP) will be able to see feature enhancements and additions, and only in their non-production environments.

The exceptions to this general approach are updates to the mobile apps, xMatters API enhancements, and features on the Admin and Developer tab which will be released into production between quarterly releases.

Customers participating in the EAP, or interested in the mobile app and API updates, can review feature descriptions in the Enduro Development Highlights article.

Production release: May 10, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Groups - calendar view: Fixed an issue where a group's calendar was displaying different rotation information for a shift in the future than what was shown in the Who's On Call report for the same day.
Flow Designer - responses: Fixed an issue where attempting to add a new response in Flow Designer would cause an error.
User profile - Schedule tab: Updated the behavior of the Schedule tab on the User profile to correctly include shifts where a user's device is a member of a group when the All Shifts option is selected.
Flow Designer - properties: Fixed an issue where Flow Designer would not display all of the available properties in a step if one of the properties was a list with more than 100 items.
RYL-3132 Events report - Timeline: Fixed an issue where some comments were not being displayed on the Timeline report.


Production release: May 6, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
COR-13600 Reports - Recent Events: Fixed an intermittent issue where terminated events that had triggered event flood control were becoming active again after the flood control suppression ended.
KAM-4978 xMatters REST API - GET /plans: Updated the GET /plans endpoint to return historical plan information when using the 'at' query parameter.
xMatters REST API - POST /groups: Fixed an issue that was preventing some users from creating groups via the API that reused names from groups that had been deleted.
Web user interface - log in (usability fix): Updated the message displayed when a user tries to access the interface using an unsupported browser.
SCO-11335 Users - Web Service User (usability fix): Updated the Add Web Service User screen to warn if the two password fields contain values that do not match.
Users - export: Fixed an issue where only some device information was included in a user export even though the user performing the export had permission to view all user information in the web user interface.
YAV-1084 Event Tracking Report - Comments (usability fix): Fixed an issue where some comments were appearing twice in the Comments section.


Production release: April 29, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
xMatters REST API - GET /events: Improved the processing of the GET /events query to better handle large numbers of events.
KAM-4936 xMatters REST API - POST /shared-libraries: Updated the message returned when an invalid communication plan identifier is used in the request, specifying that the plan must be identified using its UUID.
KAM-4940 xMatters REST API - GET /on-call: Fixed an issue when using the optional membersPerShift query parameter, where it was enforcing a minimum value of 3.
KAM-4975 xMatters REST API - POST /people: Improved the processing of POST /people requests to better handle simultaneous requests to update a person's supervisor.
YAV-1091 Web user interface - log in: Improved the handling of user credentials with special characters.

Production release: April 25, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Web user interface - reports: Fixed an issue where some reporting pages (such as the Events report) would timeout, even when configured to not refresh automatically.


Production release: April 22, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Web user interface - user devices: Upgraded our phone number validation to include recent additions to the list of valid formats.
xMatters REST API - authentication: Fixed an authentication issue that was causing some endpoints to return 404 errors.
xMatters REST API - /users: Fixed an issue where some users could set themselves to be their own supervisor.
Web user interface - welcome and Setup Guide: Corrected the behavior of the "Welcome to xMatters" message and the Setup Guide to not show up every time some users logged in.

Production release: April 17, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Web user interface - Devices page: Fixed an issue where leading zeros could be removed from text pager number when attempting to save a device in the web user interface.
Temporary absences (usability fix): Fixed an issue where replacement users would incorrectly receive email reminders for the replaced user's devices.


Production release: April 15, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Recent events report - Log (usability fix): Fixed an issue where the Log tab showed notifications as delivered before it showed recipients as targeted.
xMatters REST API - GET /plans: Updated the GET /plans endpoint to allow searching for plans accessible by a particular group or role, in addition to user.
xMatters REST API - POST /devices: Upgraded our phone number validation to include recent additions to the list of valid formats.

Production release: April 8, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Admin tab - Time Zones page (usability fix): Improved the time zone selector boxes on the Time Zones page when viewing time zones with longer names.
Recordings (performance enhancement): Improved the quality of recordings added via the web user interface.
xMatters REST API - GET /subscriptions: Fixed an issue where the subscriptions retrieved from a GET /subscriptions request would not include the recipients if the list of returned subscriptions was very large.



Production release: April 8, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Event Flood Control - built-in integrations: Updated our built-in integrations to use the same default event flood control rules as new communication plans.
KAM-4920 xMatters REST API - GET /plans: Updated the 'self' link in the "Get a plan" response to include the 'at' parameter if it was used in the request to retrieve historical data for a single plan.
Recent Events report - Log (usability fix): Improved the highlighting and navigation of search results on the Log tab.
Recent Events report (performance enhancement): Improved the performance of various components of the Recent Events report when dealing with very large dynamic teams targeted by the event.
Communication Plans - scenarios (usability fix): Improved the handling of long chains of hierarchy properties when they are used in defining scenarios.
YAV-1041 Who's On Call report: Fixed a discrepancy between the time zone displayed in the web user interface report and the one displayed in the exported report for the Australia/Sydney timezone.
Web user interface - log in: Updated the permissions for the REST Web Services user to be consistent with the intention of the role.


Production release: March 28, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Recipient processing: Fixed a weird issue where a unique combination of devices, subscriptions, shift rotations, and temporary absences could cause a user to not be notified.
COR-13453 Integration Builder: Fixed an issue where trying to view the Integration Builder using the communication plan Edit menu resulted in an error.
KAM-4876 xMatters REST API - GET /audits: Updated the endpoint to provide a more accurate status message when a request times out.
KAM-4921 iOS xMatters app: Updated the iOS app to address an intermittent issue where rapidly changing an event's status from the app could result in a change to the status being ignored.
Recent Events report - Log: Fixed an issue resulting in a mismatch between the device a user responded to a notification with and the device indicated on the Log report in the web user interface.
RYL-2938 Events Report - Suppression (usability fix): Updated the wording used in the web user interface to improve clarity.
Event Flood Control: Fine-tuned the permissions around Event Flood Control to ensure users with the Full Access User role can manage flood control rules.
YAV-876 xMatters REST API - data imports: Updated the response to the GET /imports endpoints to remove extraneous information and provide a clearer response body.
YAV-1036 Exporting groups: Refined group exports to make sure only information the exporter has permission to view is included in the export.

Production release: March 26, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Voice messages - interaction preview: Fixed an issue the system wouldn't call out when trying to preview a voice interaction on the Messages tab of the form designer.


Production release: March 21, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
KAM-4873 xMatters REST API - POST /people: Fixed an issue that was causing intermittent errors when sending a POST request to create or update people.

Production release: March 19, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Web user interface (usability fix): Fixed an issue with some browsers where scrolling slowly through longer tables, such as on the Recent Events report, would cause the table to load and scroll all the way to the bottom.


Production release: March 14, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Who's On Call report: Fixed an issue where the Who's On Call report would not display all of the available data for some repeating shifts in the web user interface (though the exported data was correct).
Web user interface (usability fix): Added a more helpful error message when the web user interface fails to load for any reason.
User ID validation: Corrected the validation process when updating or adding a user ID to prevent the system from flagging false conflicts.
User profile - subscriptions (performance enhancement): Improved system performance when viewing a user profile with a large number of subscriptions.
Web user interface: conference bridges: Fixed an issue where the Conference Bridges page would not correctly indicate which participant was speaking.


Production release: March 7, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
ACTO-2480 Web user interface (cosmetic fix): Corrected a spacing issue on the Outbound Integration page where user interface elements appeared one on top of the other when using a specific browser.
KAM-4788 xMatters REST API (usability fix): Fixed an issue to provide a more meaningful error message as a response to an incorrect request type.
RYL-2905 Event Flood Control (usability fix): Updated the interface when creating a new flood control rule to prevent integration names from being truncated.
System Communications Plans - subscriptions: Corrected an issue that prevented users from subscribing to communications plans.

Production release: March 4, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Integrations Directory - Microsoft Teams integration: Addressed an issue where users who use SAML/SSO to log in to xMatters encountered issues completing the Microsoft Teams authorization workflow.
User profile - schedule: Updated the web user interface to properly display the "Today" label only on the current day in a user's schedule.


Production release: February 27, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
COR-12533 Event report - log tab: Fixed an issue where responses from the mobile app were labelled as from another device in the Event log.
Conference bridge: Fixed an issue where some Trial systems were experiencing errors when using the "Call Me" feature to join a conference bridge.
INTA-6739 Integrations - access permissions (usability fix): Fixed an issue where a group was being displayed twice when editing the access permissions for built-in integration configurations.
KAM-4860 xMatters REST API - GET /devices: Updated the processing of requests for historical device information to fix an issue causing an error to be returned instead of the expected device information.
xMatters REST API - POST /devices: Updated handling of requests to reorder devices to address issues of unexpected results.
RYL-2650 Event report - timeline: Fixed an issue where comments from the mobile app were appearing twice on the event timeline.
RYL-2830 Event Flood Control (usability fix): Added a few missing French translations to the Event Flood Control screen.
YAV-865 Who's On Call report (usability fix): Updated the Who's On Call report user interface so selected groups are cleared when you navigate away from the page rather than the selection persisting.
User Upload (usability fix): Updated the user upload to accept Unicode files in addition to ASCII.


Production release: February 19, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
SCO-11223 User Performance report (usability fix): Fixed an issue where the menu on the left side of the screen would sometimes disappear when changing the date range on the User Performance report.
Temporary absences (usability fix): Updated the circular reference checker in the temporary absence feature to allow users to swap shifts in different groups.

Production release: February 15, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
User Upload - uploading .csv files: Fixed an issue where Windows users were not able to upload .csv files to the User Upload feature.
Communication Center - "Access Denied" errors: Fixed an issue where some users with permission to view dashboards in the Communication Center were encountering error message when attempting to view the page.
Scheduled messages: Fixed an issue that was preventing some scheduled messages from firing at the correct times.
Notification suppression - failsafe devices: Fixed an issue where some duplicate subscription notifications were sent to failsafe devices when they should have been suppressed.
xMatters REST API _ GET /events: Improved the overall performance and responsiveness of the GET /events endpoint.


Production release: February 12, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Who's on call report: Fixed an issue where the report was missing group information when looking up multiple groups, which was causing the on-call information to be displayed improperly.
UTA-3380 Who's on call report: Updated the logic for shifts including a scheduled-based rotation so the report displays the correct on-call information for the requested timeframe.
COR-12457 Integration Builder - endpoints (usability fix): Updated the workflow when adding a new endpoint to make entering the endpoint name a little easier.
Subscriptions (performance enhancement): Improved system performance when sending notifications to a large number of subscribers.


Production release: February 4, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
SMS notifications - xMatters Free and Trial: Updated SMS protocol providers used on xMatters Free and Trial instances to match other production instances.
All Events report: Updated access to the All Events report so users with the permissions to see their own events can view their own historical events in addition to recent events.
Recent Events report - Timeline (performance enhancement): Updated the processing of timeline information to improve the speed of displaying the results.
RYL-2729 All Events report: Updated the search so the "Initiator contains" option now returns results without including a wildcard character.
COR-12049 Integration Builder - shared libraries: Fixed an issue where clicking on a shared library to open it in the script editor opened the first library in the list instead of the selected library.

Production release: January 31, 2019

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
KAM-4786 Outbound integrations - Event Comments trigger: Fixed an issue that was preventing outbound integrations based on the event comments trigger from firing when a comment was added to an event via the annotations endpoint in the xMatters REST API.


Production release: January 28, 2019
Development Highlights

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Group export - device status: Fixed an issue where an exported group would not include information in the Status or Valid fields for member's devices.
Communication Center - editing dashboards: Fixed an issue where editing a dashboard's details would remove any spaces in the description.
RYL-2539 All Events Report (usability fix): Updated the All Events report so that the times shown in the Overview section are in the user's time zone.
xMatters REST API - GET /plans: Updated the GET /plans endpoint to include the communication plan's creator in the return.
Web user interface - Agents page: Improved the performance of the Agents page in the xMatters web user interface to show the correct connection state of Integration Agents.


Note: The features and functionality of the Defender release of xMatters On-Demand will be toggled 'on' in production environments on Tuesday, February 12 at 10:00 am Pacific. Our non-feature updates and fixes will continue to be released according to our normal delivery process.

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  • Added notes for the upcoming release, schedule for Thursday, January 31.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.245 release, scheduled for Monday, February 4.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.246 release, scheduled for Tuesday, February 12.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Friday, February 15.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.247 release, scheduled for Wednesday, February 20.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.248 release, scheduled for Wednesday, February 27.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Monday, March 4.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.249 release, scheduled for Thursday March 7.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.250 release, scheduled for Thursday, March 14.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Tuesday, March 19.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.251 release, scheduled for Thursday, March 21.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Tuesday, March 26.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.252 release, scheduled for Thursday, March 28.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.253 release, scheduled for Monday, April 8.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Wednesday, April 10.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.254 release, scheduled for Monday, April 15.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Wednesday, April 16.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.255 release, scheduled for Monday, April 22.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Thursday, April 25.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.256 release, scheduled for Monday, April 29.

  • Added notes for the upcoming 5.5.257 release, scheduled for Monday, May 6.

  • Added notes for the upcoming release, scheduled for Friday, May 10.

    And stay tuned to this channel for some exciting news about our deployment and update process, coming early next week.
