Enhancements to the All Events report

The good news

We're making a backend change to the All Events report that will substantially improve overall performance and greatly reduce or even eliminate timeouts when retrieving really large result sets. 

Previously, customers with a large number of events in their historical data would sometimes find that the All Events report would take a long time to load in the web user interface, or that attempting to retrieve events via the xMatters REST API would result in the request timing out. These backend changes will fix those issues as we move to a more robust query and retrieval solution.

The trade-off

The only downside to this update is that all requests will now take approximately the same amount of time to load. This will be most noticeable when retrieving smaller reports that would have loaded within a couple of seconds—or even faster—prior to the change. Based on our current testing and implementation, the All Events report will now take about five seconds to fully populate (or return data from an API request).

We are, of course, working to reduce response times and feel confident that we'll continue to see improvement, but we're also aware that five seconds may seem like a long delay to anyone who's accustomed to seeing extremely rapid responses or loading times. 

Based on research and conversations with customers, we feel that the stability and reliability are worth the trade-off in response time. The All Events report is a particularly valuable tool for customers looking for the data to support compliance requirements, evaluating group and user performance, or tracking down information for root cause analyses. The more data contained in the report, the more useful it is, but it also means there's more data to process. 

By better supporting those larger data sets, we can improve overall access to the event, notification, and on-call data you need.


We'll be implementing these changes over the next two weeks with a phased deployment approach. Non-production instances will see these changes in the early part of next week (December 7, 2020), and then we'll roll out to each region later in the week, beginning in Asia-Pacific, continuing with EMEA, and then finally wrapping up the process with North America.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Manager or contact xMatters Support.

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