The new on-call group experience

If you've read our recent article introducing broadcast groups, you will have already seen the new overview screen that makes it easier to view and manage broadcast group details and settings. But what about on-call groups? Don't worrywe've been working hard on redesigning the experience across all groups, and today we want to introduce you to the brand new on-call group user interface!


All the data, all together

Similar to broadcast groups, the new group interface allows you to quickly see important details about group admins, members, and owned services. But with on-call groups, you can also see who's currently on-call, and edit scheduling information, such as shifts and escalations.

From the Overview screen, you can update the group's name, description, time zone, status, whether it allows duplicates, and if it should use failsafe devices when targeting members. You can also quickly see at a glance details about group admins, members, observers, the group's owned services and any active incidents they're impacted by, and who's currently on call for the shift.


Stay up to date

Like the current on-call group page, you can use the Calendar tab to instantly see a schedule view of the group's on-call shifts in different time increments, allowing you to visualize any shift overlaps or gaps.


Shifts & schedules

Use the Shifts tab to view and edit information about all the shifts within the group, such as the members assigned to each shift, the order in which they're contacted, and their escalation settings. This is also where you can configure shift rotations to define when different members are assigned primary on-call responsibilities.


Managing your people

The People tab makes it simple to manage even the most complex group structures. Within this tab you can view important information about all the users, groups, and dynamic teams associated with the group. 


The Members section includes the group roster. From here you can review and adjust the shift schedule for each group member, add new members to the group and configure their shifts, and create new shifts for the group.


Group Admins

The Group Admins section lets you review and update the group's admins (formerly known as Supervisors). Group admins can edit group members and settings, add and remove people, target the group as a recipient, and delete the group.


The Observers section allows you to define which roles have permission to see the group when searching for recipients, and to target it for notification. You can choose if you want the group to be observed by all, just specific roles, or have no observers (to make it a 'private' group that only members and supervisors can search for and target). 


So, what's next?

Hopefully, you're as excited as we are to get your hands on the new on-call group overview page! We plan to release this feature on the following dates:

  • Early Access Program (non-production): June 21
  • Production: Pole Position Quarterly Release (June/July)

As always, make sure to follow our Development Highlights & Support Notes for the most up-to-date information on our latest releases!

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