Zaxxon Development Highlights & Support Notes

We're hard at work on our next quarterly release, Zaxxon, which will be rolling out in the March/April 2025 time frame.

Please follow this article and its comments to receive updates throughout the quarter about new features and functionality that we're working on for the Zaxxon release. We'll also use this document to capture highlights of additions and updates to our mobile platforms and the xMatters REST API.

For a list of changes made in each deployment that aren't covered in the Development Highlights, see the support notes included below each highlight. While most features will be added to production environments as part of our quarterly releases, the support notes typically describe fixes, which can sometimes affect product behavior.

Release schedule

Here are the dates we're expecting the release to be available:

  • Non-production environment access: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
  • Production environment access: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Customers interested in previewing new features before they're released can opt into our Early Access Program (EAP), which delivers new features into non-production environments as they're rolled off the assembly line.

February 3-7, 2025

Edit incident timeline notes in non-production/EAP instances

Incident timeline notes help to ensure that teams have important information and context during the resolution and post-incident reporting process. However, sometimes information may be incorrectly recorded or contain errors. To help incident commanders and scribes keep accurate records, incident timeline notes can now be edited from within the xMatters Incident Console in non-production and EAP instances.


Feature Spotlight on Failsafe Devices

This week, we turn the spotlight on a feature that allows you to receive important notifications even when you don't have any devices with an active timeframe: failsafe devices.

Support notes (week of Feb 3 - 7)

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
COR-116590 Groups - preview escalations: Fixed an issue that caused users to see incorrect reporting categories in the Preview Escalations window.
xMatters REST API - get scenarios: Corrected an issue where retrieving a large number of scenarios would not include the full permissions list.
xMatters REST API - update services: Fixed an issue that prevented users from updating the owner of a service using the group's target name.

January 27-31, 2025

Email triggers on the Triggers page

The Triggers page allows teams to easily review important details about their triggers, such as current status, last execution time, next scheduled execution, and a link to the trigger on its canvas in Flow Designer. Along with scheduled and HTTP triggers, this page now also includes email triggers!


Feature Spotlight on Service Dependencies

This week, we turn the spotlight on a vital part of our service intelligence platform: service dependencies


Support notes (week of Jan 27 - 31)

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
User schedule - List view: Fixed an issue where the monthly shift view was not paginating correctly.
Flow Designer - Switch step: Corrected an issue where users saw an error badge in the list of flow canvases when the step was properly configured on the canvas.
COR-115577 Communication Center (performance improvement): Improved response times when the dashboard includes a large number of recent alerts widgets.
Conference bridges - call logs: Fixed an issue that prevented the call log from displaying accurate results if the initial call went to voicemail, but a subsequent call-back was answered.

January 20-24, 2025

Feature Spotlight

To help you get the most out of your xMatters experience, we're introducing a weekly Feature Spotlight! This week, we're looking at our AI-powered incident Insights...

Support notes (week of January 20 - 24, 2025)

xMatters Internal Reference No. Summary
Flow Designer - callable trigger: Fixed an issue that prevented users from creating a callable flow step if an Initiate Incident step was on the canvas.
Groups - calendar view: Corrected an issue that prevented the calendar from accurately displaying filtered results.
COR-99683 Messaging forms - attachments: Fixed an issue where some .zip files were mistakenly flagged as not supported.
Alerts report - column order (usability fix): Fixed an issue that caused user-defined column settings  to be ignored when navigating between pages. 
Flow Designer - scripts: Flow Designer scripts should now support sending a request body with any HTTP request method, including DELETE.
COR-114871 Incidents - Incident Properties: Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding multiple lines of text to a custom property that allows multi-line text entries.

About the early access delivery process

Customers can choose to opt their non-production environments into an Early Access Program (EAP) to see new functionality before it's released. If you're considering signing up for the early access program, there are a couple of important things to know:

  • Enrollment in EAP can be turned on any time through a support request.
  • Exiting EAP can only be done on quarterly boundaries (you cannot opt in and out between quarterly releases).

For full details, refer to the official xMatters Deployment Process & Early Access article.

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  • Highlights and support notes added for week of January 27 - 31, 2025.

    Updates include:

    • Email triggers on the Triggers page
    • Feature Spotlight on Service Dependencies
  • Highlights and support notes added for week of February 3 - 7, 2025.

    Updates include:

    • Edit incident timeline notes in non-production/EAP instances
    • Feature Spotlight on Failsafe Devices