Hey all,
Working with the xMatters / ServiceNow Integration and I am trying to get the recipients input field to be just for groups. Currently, it is for both Groups and People. I have tried commenting out lots of different areas in the codebase but nothing seems to have any affect. Below are changes I have made, any ideas?
Changed the ENGAGE_XM > OPTIONS > RECIPIENT_TYPE: to be only "groups": "Groups"
Removed the people option for $scope.recipientTypes so now it's just a hash containing groups
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Yea, that $scope.recipientTypes array is what controls the drop down. So you should make it look like this:
One thing I have noticed is that you need to do a hard refresh of the browser to make some of those options take hold.
I'll ask around and see if there is anything else needed, but that should do it.
Happy Wednesday!
Hey Travis, thanks for the quick reply.
Looks like you were right about the cookies since I had the right code to begin with. However, it took clearing my cookies and data to fix it, the hard refresh didn't do anything -- not sure why. Either way, it's fixed now, so thanks for nudging me in the right direction!