Dynamic Subscription

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Is there a way to call a subscription via API from an Outbound integration?  I want to be able to dynamically subscribe the person who is submitting a message to a confirmation email once the message has been submitted.



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  • Hi Cliff,

    Our ReST APIs to dynamically create a Subscription Form are still in development.

    But, we do have an older API call that you can use to add a user to an existing Subscription Form called Post Feed. (See https://help.xmatters.com/ondemand/xmodwelcome/communicationplanbuilder/appendixrestapi.htm#POSTfeed).

    If you can at least create the Subscription Form in advance in your Communication Plan, in theory you can use the Post Feed API to dynamically create a Subscription for that User.

    That said, it would not take effect for the current Event as the search for and triggering of Subscriptions happens asynchronously to the Outbound Integrations being called.

    A better approach may be to have a simple Form that you initiate from the Outbound Integration on Event Status that once "ACTIVE" simply lets the single targeted user know that the notification occurred and has an Event ID of xxxxx.  See the Trigger Event ReST API help for details (https://help.xmatters.com/xmapi/index.html?shell#trigger-an-event).

    Hope that helps,



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