Phil Aries
Using the web services how I can retrieve the 'Input' (section of the event in the web console) detail from an event that was generated. The alert was generated from BMC, I need to pull out information such as job name, application etc.
Using the QueryEvent method does not return this detail.
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Hey Phil!
The QueryEvent operation should be what you are looking for. I was able to use this request to get the tokens of the event that was submitted:
This was the response I got:
What kind of response are you getting?
Happy Monday!
--- Travis
Hi Travis,
Thanks for your prompt response, I only seem to be getting back the following fields:
eventcreatedtimestamp, eventstatus, eventtokens, incidentidentifier, notifications, servertimestamp and status.
I am accessing it via the webserviceproxy method in powershell. I will keep digging around in case it's an issue with my powershell code but the xMatters 5.1 API does only state the fields I am getting back.
Sorry my mistake, your are correct they are all accessible via the event tokens.
Thanks for your help!
Great to hear!