Tom Kouhsari
Javascript code to get a group's supervisors using the SOAP API. This can be used by the Integration Builder.
supervisors = getGroupSupervisors("Database");
for (var i = 0; i < supervisors.length; i++) {
* Returns the list of supervisors for a group
* @param {String} groupName
* @return {Array} groupSupervisors - array of supervisor usernames
function getGroupSupervisors(groupName) {
var soapRequestBody = constants.QueryGroupRequest.replace("__GROUPNAME__", groupName);
var soapRequest = http.request({
"endpoint" : "xMatters",
"method" : "POST",
"path" : "/api/services/xmatters-5.5.47"
var soapResponse = soapRequest.write(soapRequestBody);
var doc = new XMLUtils.DOMParser().parseFromString(soapResponse.body);
var select = XMLUtils.xpath.useNamespaces({"ns": ""});
var status = select("//ns:return/ns:status/text()", doc);
if (status != "OK") {
// If status is not ok, then group was not found
return null;
var supervisors = select("//ns:supervisor/ns:name/text()", doc);
var groupSupervisors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < supervisors.length; i++) {
return groupSupervisors;
This code requires a constant named QueryGroupRequest with the following value (replace the italicized placeholders with your username, password and company):
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sch="">
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Has the REST API caught-up with this yet?
Hi Dan, Closer. We're tracking getting the group supervisors with "COR-3060". It looks like the work is almost completed, but it might be tied into some other things, so I can't quite tell when it will be generally available. I poked the appropriate people and I'll post back here when I get a response.
Ok, I heard back from the people who know these things. The work is complete and is slated for release 175, which should be out in 3-4 weeks.
Great. Thanks