JIRA REST API helper class for Integration Builder (uses XMIO)

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Jira is Atlassian's flagship software development tool that has many uses across the enterprise. This code snippet abstracts several functions for interacting with the JIRA REST API (https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/). This code is generalized to be used against any type of object within the Jira platform.

Note: This uses the _XMIO function available here, but could easily be rewritten to not need it.


var text = "I'm taking this issue.";
var key = 'JRA-3333';
var type = 'issue';

// Assign the issue to chef
var resp = JIRA.assign( type, key, 'chef' );

// Make a comment to the issue
resp = JIRA.comment( type, key, text, 'chef' );



var JIRA = {};


// private functions and variables
var prefix = "/rest/api/latest/";
var xmio = new _XMIO( 'Jira' );

// public functions
JIRA.comment = function( type, key, text, author ) {
console.log( "JIRA: comment on " + type + " " + key + ": '" + text
+ ( author !== null ? "' by " + author : "" ) );
var url = prefix + type + "/" + key + "/comment";
var json = {
"body": text
if ( author !== null ) {
json.author = { "name": author };
return xmio.post( JSON.stringify( json ), url );

JIRA.assign = function( type, key, user ) {
console.log( "JIRA: assign " + type + " " + key + " to " + user );
var url = prefix + type + "/" + key;
var json = {
"fields": {
"assignee": { "name": user }
var response = xmio.put( JSON.stringify( json ), url );
return response;




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