Product Communications
RemedyForce is an app built on the Salesforce platform. The code below can be used to fire an event to xMatters.
This code would be added to a Trigger to fire after insert
Salesforce Class record
The class record abstracts the code for making the HTTP call.
global class xMattersreq {
WebService static void xRESTCall(String endpoint, String payload){
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' );
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
System.debug(' Response: ' + res.getBody());
Trigger record on BMCServiceDesk_Incident_c table to fire after inserted uses the xMattersreq class created above to make the HTTP call to the xMatters POST /trigger endpoint.
trigger xMattersAlert on BMCServiceDesk_Incidentc (after insert) {
string endpoint = 'https://instance.d.xmatters.com/api/integration/1/functions/UUID/triggers';
string incidentname = '"Incident Name":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].Name + '"';
string caseid = '"Case ID":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].Name + '"';
string description = '"Description":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].BMCServiceDeskincidentDescriptionc + '"';
string priority = '"Priority":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].BMCServiceDeskImpact_Idc + '"';
string status = '"Status":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].BMCServiceDeskStatus_IDc + '"';
string accountid = Trigger.New[0].BMCServiceDeskFKAccountc;
string accountidj = '"Account ID":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].BMCServiceDeskFKAccount_c + '"';
string recordid = '"ID":' + '"' + Trigger.New[0].Id + '"';
Account record = [Select Name From Account Where Id = :accountid]; string accountname = '"Account Name":' + '"' + record.Name + '"';
String payload = '{' + recordid + ',' + caseid + ',' + description + ',' + priority + ',' + accountname + ',' + accountidj + ',' + status + '}';
System.Debug( payload) ;
xmattersreq.xRESTCall( endpoint, payload );
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