Rest API's

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Where can i find the documentation of all the available Rest API's for the xMatters.
What i am intending to accomplish: Send a Page/Cell Phone message using a Rest API. Need the exact Rest URL to perform this action.
Version: 5.5.63(r80218)



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  • Jose,
    The RESTS API is documented in the online help. Simply click on the Question Mark in the UI. It is also self-documenting - go to any of your forms, provision it as a web service, and the system will provide you with the exact URL and a sample CURL command.

  • I dint find the exact resource url for the intent i was looking for

  • Sorry, are you saying you couldn't find the REST API Appendix in the help, or you can't find where to provision a form as a web service

  • Thanks Doug I found it. I am running into another problem. I am trying to post a trigger to a 'form' and i get the following error. Any suggestions on what could i be possibly doing wrong
    "message": "An internal server error has occurred."

  • Jose, that is a strange error. Can you share the payload you are sending over?

  • <Fault xmlns="">
    <message>An internal server error has occurred.</message>

    curl -1 -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user USERNAME -X POST -d '
    "properties": {},
    "recipients": [
    "targetName": "efg"
    "targetName": "abc"
    ' "

  • Hmm, that looks fine. I was concerned about the empty "properties" element, but I tested that and I can submit your payload to one of my rest endpoints just fine. I'm guessing it is something happening on the backside. Can you open a ticket with support so we can investigate any errors in the web server?

  • We've updated the location of the REST API documentation, so please check it out at 


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