I am not able to find the parameters of method FindWhoIsOnDuty . I am using perl programming to connect the xmatter. Nowhere I see the useful information on API calls in this document. Please help me to understand how it works.
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Hey Kalaiselvan, I think I have something that you might find interesting. This was coded using our xMatters On Demand platform, but if you're using on premise I think you'll just need to change the schema entries to be appropriate for your version. In theory the rest of it should work fine. Give this a whirl and let us know how it goes:
declare usage of SOAP::Lite
use SOAP::Lite; # +trace; #trace allows for seeing the full Request and Response sent back and forth
my $username = 'ws_user';
my $password = 'password';
my $endpoint = 'https://company.instance.xmatters.com/api/services/xmatters-5.5.47.xmatters-5.5.47HttpSoap12Endpoint/';
my $operation = 'FindWhoIsOnDuty';
my $company = 'company';
my $group = 'Test Group';
my $start = '09/11/2014 12:00:00 AM';
my $end = '09/12/2014 12:00:00 AM';
my $reciDetails = 'false';
declare the SOAP endpoint here
my $soap = SOAP::Lite
->new( proxy => $endpoint );
$soap->default_ns( 'http://www.xmatters.com/webservices/schema#5.5.47' );
$soap->ns( 'http://www.xmatters.com/webservices/schema#5.5.47', 'sch' );
sub { # SOAP fault handler
my $soap = shift;
my $res = shift;
invoke the SOAP call
my $result = $soap->call( "sch:" . $operation,
SOAP::Data->name('sch:user')->value( $username ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:password')->value( $password ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:clientTimestamp')->value( '' ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:clientIP')->value( '' ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:clientOSUser')->value( '' ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:company')->value( $company ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:groupName')->value( $group ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:startDate')->value( $start ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:endDate')->value( $end ),
SOAP::Data->name('sch:includeRecipientDetails')->value( $reciDetails )
#die $result->Fault->{ Reason } if ($result->Fault);
print "result: ", $result, "\n";
while( my( $key, $value ) = each $result->valueof( '//return' ) ){
print "$key: $value\n";
Wow, that was totally butchered... take 2?
I am using endpoint as "https://company.instance.xmatters.com/api/services/xmatters-4.1.7?wsdl" and respective schema as "http://www.xmatters.com/webservices/schema#4.1.7". am I correct?
That should work in theory, but I would encourage going with the latest wsdl endpoint you have. Check the Accessing Web Services. If you are using on demand, then i would encourage this one: https://company.instance.xmatters.com/api/services/xmatters-5.5.47.xmatters-5.5.47HttpSoap12Endpoint/