Integrating MS Flow for Create Person API

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Hi all,


I'm quite new to xMatters and really new to using webhooks/ APIs and really need some help please to integrate MS Flow to the Create Person API.


I need to transfer this curl request to a post request made by Flow.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username -X POST -d @input.txt ""


The input.txt file contains the following as I couldn't format the JSON so the windows command prompt liked it using Curl.

  "firstName" : "Test",
  "lastName": "Tester",
  "roles":  ["Standard User"]

Here are the fields I have in Flow to fill in and my attempt which returns a 400 error.  I know I need to add auth into the request but don't know how and not sure the body is right either.


I'd very much appreciate any help you can give.








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