Missing icons when using Internet Explorer 11

Have you noticed missing icons in the xMatters web user interface when using Internet Explorer 11? This issue can occur when Internet Explorer's security settings prevent web fonts from downloading.

For example, this problem is commonly seen on the Communication Center dashboard, where none of the widget icons are displayed:

xMatters uses web fonts to display these and other icons throughout the user interface. Web fonts are commonly used by web sites and web applications to display icons - so if you're experiencing this issue in xMatters, chances are you're also experiencing it other places on the web as well.

This problem can be fixed by adjusting Internet Explorer's security settings to enable font download, which will allow your browser to display web fonts.

To enable font download in Internet Explorer 11:

  1. Open IE settings (the cog or gear icon) in the top right corner of the browser.
  2. Click Internet Options.

  1. Select the Security tab.
  2. Click Custom Level.

  1. Locate the Font Download option and set it to Enable.

If your entire company is experiencing this issue, then preventing fonts from downloading may be a security policy defined by your IT department. To resolve the issue, ask your IT department to enable the Font download setting in Internet Explorer for your organization.

If your organization has security concerns enabling this setting globally for all applications, they should be able to allow it exclusively for xMatters by adding xmatters.com as a trusted domain.

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