ServiceNow: Importing xMatters IP ranges


Is it possible to import the xMatters IPs into ServiceNow for IP filtering?


  • All versions of xMatters
  • ServiceNow


Yes, you can import the xMatters IP addresses into ServiceNow by following the below steps:

  1. Load the system import set data in ServiceNow.
  2. Link the imported data by creating a transform map.
  3. Locate the new xMatters IP transformation map.
  4. Run the transformation.
  5. View the xMatters IP addresses in the IP Address Access Control list.

Load the system import set data in ServiceNow

  1. In System Import Sets, click Load Data
  2. Type xmatters_ips into the Label field.
  3. Click Choose File and upload: xMattersIPrange.csv
  4. To load the records, click Submit.


Link the imported data by creating a transform map

  1. Click Create Transform Map.
  2. Type a name for the transformation map (for example, xMatters IP Transformation).
  3. From the Source Table drop-down menu, select xmatters_ips.
  4. In the Target Table drop-down menu, select ip_access
  5. Click Submit.


Locate the new xMatters IP transformation map

  1. In System Import Sets, click Administration.
  2. Select Transform Map.
  3. Click the name of the transformation map you created.
  4. In the Field Map tab at the bottom of the transformation map window, click New:3.2.png
  5. Create a field map for:
    Description to Description
    Range Start to Range Start
    Range End to Range End
    Active to Active. For the Active Script, select Use Source Script and add the following:
answer = (function transformEntry(source) {
if (source.u_active == "TRUE") {
return true;

Run the transformation

  1. In the Related section of the Transform Map, click Transform.
  2. Select and review the Import Set and Map.
  3. Click Transform.

View the xMatters IP addresses in the IP Address Access Control list.

  1. In System Security, click IP Address Access Control.
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