Can I only sync 5 members of a group without syncing the other 15?
- All versions of xMatters, ServiceNow
A group has 20 members, only 5 of which are on-call and require xMatters accounts. The 5 are directly assigned the x_xma_xmatters.xmatters role in their profile. An "out of the box sync" will automatically assign the xMatters role to the remaining 15 members during the group sync.
This can be achieved via an "Inherit" flag set in ServiceNow. This flag allows the administrator to determine if the role is inherited by ALL members of the group. Setting the flag to "True" means all the users in the group will inherit the role, while setting the flag to "False" prevents the inheritance.
This can be done for all groups that need to be synced between ServiceNow and xMatters. In the case of the x_xma_xmatters.xmatters role, the inherit flag is on when it is added to a group, so in this scenario, the flag needs to be set to "False". The users that need to be synced to xMatters then need this role assigned to their profile directly.
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