Can we control whether the mobile app can override an Android device's "Do not disturb" mode? It's important so we don't miss critical alerts!
- All versions of xMatters
- xMatters mobile app for Android
Yes, you can do this on the Android mobile app! By going to the app's settings (open the app and then tap Settings > Notification Settings> System Settings) you can see options on how to treat High/Medium/Low priority events. By digging into each of those settings (tap and hold to open the sub-menu for each option) you can:
- Set the style for the alert (Sound and pop-up, Sound, Silent or Silent and minimized)
- Set the sound you want to hear
- Turn vibrate on or off
- Blink the light on the device
- Show an app icon badge
- How to treat a locked screen (Show content, Hide content or Don't show notifications)
- Ignore Do not disturb <<< this specifically is your target. Turn this on and the app will override the Do not disturb setting.
A note for iOS users: This is also available and we have a separate article that describes the functionality.
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