How to change the server port for xMatters Agent


Your operating system or environment is unable to use the default port of 8081 for the agent to start. The port might be used by another application or maybe you want to run multiple versions of the xMatters agent. To address this, you need to customize the agent's server port to be any available port number on the system.


All versions of xMatters, Windows and Linux Operating Systems.


For Windows:

  1. Find the xagent-service.conf file, which is located in the in C:\Program Files\xa\config by default.
  2. Add the following line, replacing XXXX with the new port the service should bind to:
  1. Save the file and start the agent.

You can review the xagent-communication.log file to make sure that the port chosen is the one the service is running on.

For Linux:

  1. Find the xa.conf file, which is located in /etc/xmatters/xa by default.
  2. Add the following line, replacing XXXX with the new port the service should bind to:
  1. Save the file and start the agent. 

You can review the xagent-communication.log file to make sure that the port chosen is the one the service is running on.

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