Where to get the URLs used for the "Engage with xMatters" and "Incident Alerts" configuration


Where can we get the URLs for the "Engage with xMatters" and "Incident Alerts" configuration in ServiceNow?


All versions of xMatters, ServiceNow


  1. In xMatters, locate the ServiceNow workflow and go to the Integration Builder section. Here you will notice the following three inbound integrations set up:
  • Incident Alerts
  • Conference Bridge
  • Engage with xMattersmceclip0.png
  • In the Authentication Type drop-down menu, if nothing is selected, click Basic Authentication. This will provide the URL to trigger that event in xMatters, for example:copyURL.png
  • In the ServiceNow configuration, enter the Incident Alerts URL in the Incident Notifications configuration tab; for the Conference Bridge and Engage with xMatters URLs, you enter these on the Engage with xMatters configuration tab.

    For complete instructions on configuring the ServiceNow workflow, click here.


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