"The system cannot find the specified path" error when running the ./wspasswd command


While setting up an integration using the Integration Agent, we get an error at the point where you are required to run:

c:\xmatters\integrationagent-5.3.0\bin>iapassword.bat --new "password" --file c:\xmatters\integrationagent-5.3.0\conf/.wspasswd

The error says "The system cannot find the specified path".


All versions of xMatters, Integration Agent 5.3.0


The error is being caused because of the lack of a suitable JRE on the system.

Follow the instructions in the online help for downloading and adding a JRE to the installation folders. 

Note: you can either replace this `jre` directory or the contents.

You should then be able to successfully run the following command:

C:\xmatters\integrationagent-5.3.0\bin>iapassword.bat --new "password" --file c:\xmatters\integrationagent-5.3.0\conf/.wspasswd


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