ServiceNow: 'Engage with xMatters' searches only return 10 results


When I search for a user or group using the 'Engage with xMatters' in ServiceNow, only 10 results are returned. How can I fix this?


  • All versions of xMatters
  • ServiceNow (prior to version 5.x)


If you're using an older version of the xMatters integration for ServiceNow, the maximum number of records that are displayed may be limited. To fix this you should update the application to the latest version. If you're unable to update the application, you need to modify the xm_engage_with_xmatters_content UI Page in ServiceNow to list up to 100 records.

On that page, line 158 has the <autocomplete [...]> tag:

<auto-complete source="activeRecipientType.typeahead($query)"></auto-complete>

You need to change it to the following to ensure up to 100 results are returned in the search:


Once complete, refresh the browser for the changes to take effect.

Note: We recommend setting the maximum results to 100 or lower.


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