Hi everybody!
Yes, xMatters Free really is free, and no, there's no catch. Seriously.
Now that's out of the way, welcome to the xMatters Free Community Support forum. This is where you want to be for any questions, issues, or compliments you may have if you're using the free version of xMatters.
We've got lots of other information available, though, and I wanted to take a quick moment to let you know about all of the resources available to you.
Online documentation
First and foremost, all of our documentation for xMatters, the Integration Builder, and the xMatters REST API is available online, 24x7x365 right here:
If you need some guidance about navigating group escalation schedules, adding a new user via REST web services, checking the Timeline report to see how a major incident played out, or installing the xMatters mobile app on your iOS or Android device, our online help should be your first stop.
(You can also access the online help at anytime from within the xMatters web user interface by clicking the question mark icon on the top-right corner of any page.)
Video tutorials
Prefer to do your learning by watching rather than reading? No problem! We have a comprehensive set of online video tutorials covering all of the most common tasks and features available in xMatters.
Toolchain integrations
If you're looking to set up your toolchains, stop by the Integration Directory in xMatters, or visit our web site to check out the complete list of built-in and packaged integrations available to download and install right now.
Knowledge Base
If you've run into a problem with something but you have a sneaking suspicion you might not be the first person to encounter it, check the Knowledge Base section here on the Support site for a list of helpful articles.
Oh - and here's something else that's cool: when you search for something on the support site or in the online help, it automatically searches ALL of the xMatters sites for you. (If that's too much information, use the check boxes next to the results to limit which sites are included in your search.)
And of course, please sign up and get involved in the xMatters Free community right here! It's the best place to touch base with other Free users and xMatters xPerts. You can ask questions, post helpful tips, or even help out like-minded folks who might be wrestling with a situation you've already conquered.
Welcome aboard, and welcome to xMatters Free!
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Just wanted to make sure we clarified: Flow Designer most definitely IS available in all xMatters Free environments!