Paul Chang
If you mark a user inactive in the website, will it get overwritten in the next data upload?
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Yep, the system will take the value coming in. Generally, users are inactivated in the source system and the data sync/upload will take care of inactivating a user in xMatters.
will those inactive user going to consume a license or do i need to pay for them ?
Prompt response is highly Appreciated
Hi Rijee,
Yep, an inactive user consumes a license.
Thanks a lot Travis DePuy for Quick revert
Can you please share the document or link where it is mentioned, just need to keep a track of it.
Hi Rijee,
If the user is in the system, then they consume a license:
I hope that helps? We can set up a call with an account rep if you have deeper questions or specific licensing needs if that would be helpful.
Happy Tuesday!
Hi Travis,
Appreciate your quick response
can you please let me know the difference between company supervisor and Full user
Does company supervisor fall under full user or standard user or do we need to procure separate licenses for them.
Hey Rijee!
I'm guessing you're referring to the "Full Access User" role. The roles you grant users have no bearing on the licenses purchased. So you could grant Company Supervisor to everyone! Although I don't recommend it.
Happy Wednesday!
Further to Travis' comment, I wanted to specifically call out this note from the help (
The names of [roles in xMatters] do not directly correlate to different types of users that may be defined in any licensing agreements. For example, the definition of a "Standard User" in a licensing agreement is not intended to match the permissions of the default Standard User role in xMatters.
Thanks Travis and Don that really helped me
Appreciate your Efforts :)