Updating existing shifts to use off-duty members

The Off Duty Members feature in the Wonder Boy release will help anyone familiar with the '9999 hack', where adding a wait time of 9999 minutes between group members in an escalation ensures that any group members after that delay will never be notified.

Of course, the recent introduction of other new features such as repeat escalations and on-call reminders mean that workaround isn't as effective or useful. Fortunately, it's easy enough to implement an off-duty member schedule for any groups you have that are using a long wait time.

For example, you may have a shift similar to the following:


To change this group to use off-duty members, locate the shift you want to modify and then click Edit EscalationsIn the Edit Escalations panel, click Add Off-Duty Members.


Drag each member that is "In Rotation" but not currently on call (i.e., after a 9999 delay) into the Off-Duty Members list using the following guidelines:

  • Keep users in the off-duty list in the same order to ensure that upcoming or existing rotations are not affected. 
  • Remove any remaining 9999 wait times from the on-call schedule.
  • Remember that all of the members in the Off-Duty Member list are automatically "In Rotation" — don't move over anyone who isn't supposed to be rotated!


Once you're finished, click Save.

Now you can use the new Preview Escalations feature to make sure the rotations will behave as expected; just click Preview Escalations:


Page through a few rotation previews to ensure that your schedule looks correct. In the following examples, Alene is currently on-call and is replaced by Annabelle after the first weekly rotation. Incident Manager is not in the rotation and is always the secondary on-call.






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